15 Crafts and Activities That Use Upcycled Materials

 Although April 22nd, Earth Day, is quickly coming, there is really never a bad moment to honour Mother Earth. The environmental advantages of recycling, such as the preservation of energy and natural resources and the reduction of air and water pollution, should be stressed to students all year long.

 Upcycling is the process of creating something new from an existing object in its current state as opposed to recycling, which transforms old objects into new ones. Encourage your children to use current materials like magazines, plastic water bottles, tin cans, egg cartons, and more to create something amazing and original. See our selection of the top recycled crafts for Earth Day or any day, and try out a few of them!

1. Make wildflower seed bombs.

These simple-to-make seed bombs are a way to give back to Mother Earth. Used construction paper scraps, water, and wildflower seeds are blended together in a food processor before being formed into little muffins. Throw them in the ground after allowing them to dry. The paper will ultimately decompose and the seeds will sprout as the seed bombs are exposed to sunlight and precipitation.

2. Create nature wreaths.

Go for a nature stroll with your kids to collect unique leaves, flowers, berries, etc. Strips of used T-shirts should be braided together and shaped into a circular to create the wreath forms. After that, insert organic materials into the cracks and secure them with hot glue or clear fishing line. at hang your wreath, tie a ribbon at the top.

3. Construct a bug hotel

Make a comfortable space where all the creepy crawlies can congregate. Fill two cylinders made from a two-liter plastic bottle with sticks, pine cones, bark, or any other kind of natural material. Be sure to tightly pack the organic material. Then hang your insect hotel from a fence or tree branch by wrapping a piece of string or yarn around the two cylinders.

4. Make a quilt.

Over 16 million tonnes of textiles are disposed of as municipal solid waste annually, a significant amount. By putting together a cosy quilt, you may teach your children how to recycle waste materials that would otherwise go to the landfill.

5. Use magazines to create a bowl.

Crafts for Earth Day that produce useful items for use around the house are our favorites. Older pupils who have the patience and manual dexterity required to meticulously roll and glue their magazine strips together are most suited for this activity.

6. Create Earth moss balls.

On Earth Day, honor our beautiful planet with one of these plush moss balls. This craft will especially appeal to children who enjoy getting their hands dirty. Simply roll up some pre-soaked sphagnum moss into a tight ball, wrap it with blue yarn or strips of old t-shirts, add more moss and yarn, etc., until you have an orb that resembles the Earth. Finish it off with a yarn loop, then hang it in a window that gets plenty of sunlight. Simply mist your moss ball with water every few days to maintain it healthy.

7. Create a hanging garden.

In this environmentally friendly and resourceful craft, large plastic bottles are transformed into lovely hanging planters. a fantastic method for creating a lovely hanging garden.

8. Upcycle trash into flower art.

The only materials required for this recycled flower garden activity and lesson are scraps of paper. A bonus is the measuring and mathematical component.

9. “Grow” an egg carton tree.

Hold onto those egg cartons! To create a recycled egg carton tree, just a few materials are needed.

10. Create binoculars using paper towel rolls.

So that your students can create their own customized binoculars, save those paper rolls! Provide your pupils with a selection of paints, stickers, etc. so they may truly customize their bird observers.

11. Create your own flexible seating.

One of our favorite Earth Day crafts has to be upcycling tires into comfy seating for our reading nook.

12. Fashion a pop-top bracelet.

By using some ribbon ninja skills, aluminum beverage pop tops can be transformed into jeweler. To give your pupils the full scoop, project this video onto your interactive whiteboard. Then, get to work on some crafts.

13. Chime the wind.

Take a nature walk and collect sticks, weeds, and pickable flowers. Bring the finds home to display them in jar lids that have been recycled. Your children can make this unexpectedly lovely recycled wind chime with just wax paper and string.

14. Paint paper bags.

Brown paper bags make excellent eco-canvases for artwork and make lovely Earth Day decorations for refrigerators. If you can find bags with handles, you get extra points because the handles double as built-in art hangers.

15. Make a recycled city.

Little more than paper rolls, paper, scissors, paint, glue, or tape, and your imagination will suffice to create a sweet hamlet.

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