Crafts Best Field Day Games and Activities for All Ages and Abilities

 Crafts  Best Field Day Games and Activities for All Ages and Abilities

A favorite towards the end of the year is Field Day! Children adore the opportunity to spend the entire day playing and running around outside while engaging in fascinating and difficult activities. Any kid, regardless of age, interest, or skill, can participate in the best field day games and activities. This comprehensive list helps make your field day successful for those involved.

Water Balloon Hunt and Fight

For a hot afternoon, try this water balloon fight variation. Water balloons are numbered and scattered throughout a field. The kids are sent outside to find a balloon bearing the number that is drawn out of the hat. (Part of the fun is that there will be more kids than balloons.) Those who guess correctly then have the opportunity to launch their balloon at any other participant. If it breaks and hits, that player is eliminated. The thrower is out if the player manages to catch it without it breaking. A new number will be used for each round until just one person is left dry.

Wooden Spoon Water Balloon Race

Before racing to the finish line, kids must pick up a water balloon and balance it on a wooden spoon. They can pick themselves up and continue moving even if their balloon pops and falls off. If not, they must start over and get a fresh one.

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