Spring-Themed Crafts for Kids Using Recycled Materials

Spring-Themed Crafts for Kids Using Recycled Materials

Flowers are blooming, the grass is turning green, and the temperature is rising now that spring has officially arrived. Earth Day is also coming up soon. Children may joyfully celebrate the coming of nature’s most beautiful season while upholding our commitment to protecting the environment by making crafts with a spring theme out of recycled materials.

If you need inspiration, we’ve included three amusing and simple options below.

In the spring, a variety of vibrant flowers bloom, and it’s easy to create a paper flower garden by upcycling paper scraps.

craft knivesstudent gluethe entire page of paper or poster boardPaper sliversPencils or markers for colouring
Have your child first sketch a picture of how she envisions her flowers to serve as a template or outline. She should then remove a collection of paper scraps from the recycle bin, place them on the table, and sort through them to determine which pieces to use to make flowers. Additionally, she is able to cut out images or forms from magazines that you have read and intend to pitch.
Your youngster should choose materials, cut flower stems and petals, and then combine them to create a flower. She can draw flowers in any size she likes, and she can colour them anyway she likes with markers or coloured pencils.
Create multiple flowers, then arrange them in a cluster on a whole sheet of paper or poster board to create a garden.
See some cute flower examples here.

For a variety of reasons, trees are lovely. They create a habitat for birds, draw rain, offer shade, and supply food and oxygen. Trees enhance the beauty of their surrounds when their leaves reappear in the spring.
Kids may create a lovely, three-dimensional picture of a tree using an empty egg carton. Just acquire these things and adhere to the instructions listed below.
sterile, bare egg cartona page of unfilled papercraft paint that is green and brown  Craft scissors with a paintbrushglue stick
With craft scissors, first separate the egg carton into its many pieces. Adults might choose to complete this stage, depending on their age. The egg carton pieces should then be painted by your child with green paint and placed aside to dry. Allow your child to draw the tree trunk on the white piece of paper using brown paint.
Once everything has dried, finish the tree by hot glueing the egg carton “leaves” to the top of the trunk. NOTE: Adult supervision or help is required while using the hot glue gun.
Find step-by-step pictures here

In the spring, a variety of insects, especially vibrant butterflies, are active. In reality, the wonder of a butterfly’s transformation somewhat resembles the springtime rebirth of trees, plants, and flowers. With just a few supplies, including a cork, children of all ages can make a charming butterfly.
a cork or several corks (if you want to create multiple butterflies)squinty eyestee shirtsPaper (plain or coloured) or paper scrapsScissorsstudent gluePencils or markers for colouring
To begin, draw a “almost-heart” form on paper, fold it in half, then cut it out to create a pair of wings. Your child can colour the wings with his favourite colour if plain paper is used. This step can be avoided by using coloured paper. You could also use newspaper or any other paper scraps you can find in the recycle bin.
The wings should next be heavily coated with glue in the centre before being pressed to the cork, which will function as the butterfly’s body. Then, give the cork eyes by sticking on googly eyes, and for antennae, cut small pieces of pipe cleaner and glue them on. Finally, use a marker to create a smile on the cork.

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