9 recycled craft ideas for kids

 9 recycled craft ideas for kids

Recycling materials allows you to create beautiful crafts without spending money or spending time sorting them. Simply take out the recycling container and give the youngsters free reign.

Nearly every day, people raid our recycle bins. Our cardboard boxes, empty containers, and tin cans have likely gone through at least three iterations as recycled craft before we set them out for the pickup. The girls gather their materials and design all kinds of bizarre monsters that invade cardboard box towns. They may even chop up milk containers to colour in and turn into ornaments. Recently, they created a camera out of an empty dishwashing detergent bottle.

Recycled craft tips

Recycling materials can be used to create a variety of unique items. Before you set the youngsters loose, here are some advice:
1. Before recycling food containers, make sure they have been completely cleaned. Then the youngsters may just grab what they need and get going.
2. To prevent the kids from being tempted, immediately place anything with sharp edges (even tins!) in the outside recycling bin.

3. Keep a separate recycling receptacle for your craft-related fabric, paper, and wool scraps.
4. Remember to save extras like aluminium foil, bottle caps, old calendar pages, present wrap, and ribbons. The kids will have even more suggestions for beneficial additions to the mix, and Bottle Top Bill is undoubtedly your go-to source for additional inventiveness! (Continues BTB air on ABC Kids?)
5. Keep a separate box of ‘joiners’ – tape, glue, craft sticks, string, wool, paper clips and fasteners.

6. Don’t forget that you’ll have to separate out all the paper / plastics / non-recyclables at the end, so encourage ‘loose’ fastening only. I’ve spent far too long unwinding reams and reams of sticky tape from cardboard cartons.

Grab whatever you have on hand right now because here are 10 ideas to get your kids started.

Fun recycled craft projects to try

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