9 Great Recycled Craft Ideas

 9 Great Recycled Craft Ideas

A low-cost, incredibly enjoyable, and environmentally friendly project for your family to do while in lockdown is creating art from old recycling. Your children will be kept occupied, and since recycled materials are the main component of these projects, you won’t need to scour craft stores for materials. Before you toss something out, have a look in your household trash to see if there are any creative supplies ready to use that you may use instead.

Magazine Collages

start your old mags handy and start creative. This is a fantastic craft idea for your kids because it is extremely basic and takes a lot of time, allowing you to spread it out over several days. Additionally, all you need is some adhesive, child-safe scissors, and some magazines or newspapers to complete this project! Then, your child can make their own magazine collage using a drawing they made themselves, a photo you printed or drew for them, or even just a wacky, colourful design. There are countless ways to be inventive!

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Shrinking Crisp Packets

You can shrink crisps packs in the oven, did you know that? In fact, you can! Your favourite snack’s packaging can be reduced to miniature replicas of themselves as long as it’s plastic and not foil. For packs made of plastic alone, look for store-brand crisps, chipsticks, or space raiders.

How to:

1. Set the oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Consume your chips.

3. Clean your crisp packet with some water and dish soap.

4. The cracker packet, dry

5. Foil should be placed on the baking pan’s bottom.

6. Placing the crisp package in the oven after covering it with foil.

7. For 1-2 minutes, leave the crisp package out.

8. Watch your mini crisp package emerge when you remove them from the oven.

There are so many entertaining things you can do with your shrunken crisp packets once you get them! Why not turn your crisp packets into jewellery and use them as a pair of earrings, a necklace, or even a charm on a bracelet? You could also use your crisp package to create a sweet keychain, the ideal addition to your playhouse, or a Barbie accessory! Even better, you could build a pristine collage of tiny little packets using a tonne of collected little packets. This is such an adorable and entertaining recyclable craft project that, if the outcome is kept a mystery before you conduct it, can also be used as a science experiment.

Jam Jar Lantern

This can be exactly what you’re searching for if your kids want a new, unique night light or just a cool addition to their beds! A jam jar, some paints, and other craft supplies are all you need for the embellishments. You may decorate your jam jar as you choose, whether it’s by painting a vibrant pattern on it or going above and above by creating a tiny fairy house on it. Bring your fairytale home to life by gathering some twigs and greenery from the outside and sticking them to your jar to create windows and doors and decorate it all around with adorable small motifs. Once it has been properly decorated, all that is left to do is you may make a jam jar lantern by inserting a tea light that is powered by batteries.

Milk Carton Butterflies

The nicest additions to your yard are these adorable recycled crafts for children. For your children to decorate and put in your trees, transform your old, discarded milk cartons into lovely butterflies. They are also really simple to create!

How to:

1. Your used milk carton should be cleaned.

2. Open it up and cut it into strips.

3. Next, make butterfly stencils that your children can cut out and then decorate with permanent markers.

4. Once these have been exquisitely decorated, hang them from your trees by threading a paper clip through each one!

Playable Cereal Box Guitar

Have you ever considered how entirely recycled materials may be used to create a functional musical instrument? So stop wondering because we have the answer! With the help of a cereal box, some elastic bands, and some toilet paper rolls, you can create your very own playable guitar. The next steps are simple:

1. Cut a circle (resembling a guitar pick) out of the cereal box’s front.
2. As the guitar’s handle, glue a toilet paper roll to the top of the box. You can stack them as high as you need.
3. Decorate your guitar however you choose.

4. Then, align your rubber bands so that they are above the large cutout circle on the cereal box.

5. Now, everyone, shred some faces with your cool new guitars.

Glitter Jar Or Bottles

You can make these tiny trinkets at home, and they are the ideal stress relief for your kids. It has been demonstrated that watching the glitter whirl about helps kids feel less anxious and anxious, which may be just what they need right now. For younger children, you can create these in jars or plastic water bottles to prevent any accidents. Throwing the glitter bottle will help release stress, and watching the glitter settle is a relaxing activity for kids who like to hurl items. Here’s how to create them:

1. Use warm water and soap to thoroughly clean out your container.
2. Warm water should be poured into your bottle or jar up to around halfway.
3. Stir in the glitter glue (or glitter-infused clear glue) until it is thoroughly incorporated with the water.

4. Then, add around 3 drops of food colouring (but not more; you don’t want the colour to be too dark and cover the glitter).

5. Then add extra glitter to your jar to give it a variety of textures. If you have sequins or stars available, you can also add those. You can also mix colours.

6. Stir thoroughly to thoroughly incorporate into the mixture.

7. Then fill the remainder of the jar almost to the top with warm water. Leave a small opening at the
top to let the mixture slosh around.

8. If you are concerned about jar or bottle opening accidentally or spills, you can use glue to attach the lid.


Egg Box Treasure Chest

With this really simple DIY project, your kids can decorate egg cartons and make a cute little keep-safe box for all of their valuables. They are quite simple to produce and take almost no effort. Simply give your child an egg carton and let them work their magic. To get ideas for your kids’ designs, try searching for images of treasure boxes.

Toilet Paper Roll Desk Tidy

There are probably a lot of pens, pencils, and other types of stationery laying around your home that need a good home if you are anything like most families. With this handy little craft project, you can accomplish two goals at once. To make your own recycled desk tidy, all you need are some toilet paper rolls, paint, and adhesive. Using your family’s creativity, decorate your toilet paper rolls before sticking them upright on a piece of flat cardboard.

DIY Notebooks From Cereal Boxes

The ideal project for your child is to make one of these extremely hip and stylish notebooks. They’re not only a lot of fun to make, but you can also gift your kids a fresh notepad to use whatever they choose. To make them, simply adhere to these simple instructions from crème de la craft!

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