How to Organize Recycled Materials for Crafts

 How to Organize Recycled Materials for Crafts

Have you ever come across a cute kid’s craft only to discover you were missing all the necessary supplies? A excellent method to save time and let your child’s creativity soar is to keep recycled materials prepared and organised. Here are some ideas for organising craft supplies at home and recycling materials for imaginative play.

Have a location set aside for recycled craft supplies. For your children’s craft storage area, choose any robust container from a cardboard box to a galvanised bin.

Break down boxes (like cereal boxes) that can later be put back together with just a piece of tape if necessary in order to fit more stuff inside your container. You now have a lot more space to store other things.

Items like wire hangers, plastic boxes and bottles, or egg cartons shouldn’t be forgotten.

Keep tubes of toilet paper or paper towels on hand so you can always send some to school if necessary! Don’t forget to pack takeaway supplies like plastic cutlery, straws or chopsticks. Your child may come up with something amazing with their large collection of recycled craft supplies!

Keep a smaller jar on hand for things like tags, brads, and buttons.  Other craft supplies to have on hand are:

  • markers, coloured pencils, glue, hot glue, paint, and scissors
  • magazines/newspapers, coloured paper, duct tape, a hole-punch, balloons, and rubberbands
Having recycled materials on hand lets your youngster be more creative without having to constantly search for the ideal supplies.
Allison Waken is a master of kid-friendly crafts and activities who never turns down a new challenge. Check out more of her activities and crafts on her blog, All for the Boys, where she highlights projects that encourage imagination, play, and interaction.

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