4 Fun upcycling activities to keep kids entertained

4 Fun upcycling activities to keep kids entertained

Certainly! Upcycling is a creative and eco-friendly way to keep kids entertained while teaching them about recycling and sustainability. Here are some fun upcycling activities for kids:

1. Tin Can Planters: Clean and decorate empty tin cans with paint, stickers, or colored tape. Then, add soil and plant small flowers or herbs in them. These colorful planters make for a charming garden display.

2. Cardboard Box Creations: Collect cardboard boxes of different sizes and let your kids’ imaginations run wild. They can turn them into playhouses, robots, cars, or anything else they can dream up.

3. Old T-shirt Tote Bags: Take old t-shirts and turn them into reusable tote bags. Simply cut off the sleeves and neck, then let your child decorate them with fabric markers or fabric paint.

4. Bottle Cap Magnets: Collect bottle caps and have your kids create decorative magnets. They can paint or decorate the caps and attach a small magnet to the back. These make great personalized gifts.

5. CD/DVD Mosaic: Gather old CDs or DVDs that are no longer in use. Have your kids break them into pieces and use the shiny fragments to create colorful mosaic art on a piece of cardboard or a picture frame.

6. Junk Art Sculptures: Collect small bits of discarded materials like broken toys, buttons, bottle caps, and more. Let your kids create unique sculptures or wall art by gluing these items onto a base.

7. Newspaper Jewelry: Roll strips of newspaper into beads, then paint or decorate them with markers or glitter. Thread them onto a string to create custom jewelry pieces like necklaces and bracelets.

8. Egg Carton Caterpillars: Cut an egg carton into sections, then have your child paint each section to resemble a caterpillar. Add googly eyes and pipe cleaner antennae to complete the cute critter.

9. Milk Jug Watering Can: Cut the top off an empty plastic milk jug, then poke holes in the cap. Decorate the jug with markers or stickers. Fill it with water, and your child can use it to water plants in the garden.

10. Puzzle Piece Art: Use old puzzle pieces to create unique artwork. Paint the puzzle pieces in various colors and arrange them on a canvas or cardboard to form a mosaic or abstract design.

11. Cereal Box Puzzles: Cut up empty cereal boxes into puzzle pieces, and let your child decorate them with drawings or stickers. Then, they can put the puzzle back together.

12. Tire Swing: If you have an old tire lying around, transform it into a tire swing. Hang it from a sturdy tree branch or swing set, and your kids will have hours of outdoor fun.

These upcycling activities not only keep kids engaged but also teach them about repurposing and reducing waste in a fun and creative way. Plus, they can take pride in the items they’ve created with their own hands.

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1. Make your own geodes

Making your own geodes can be a fascinating and educational activity for kids. Geodes are hollow rock formations with beautiful crystal interiors. Here’s a simplified way to create your own geode-inspired crystals using common household materials:

Materials You’ll Need:

1. An eggshell (cleaned and dried)

2. Alum powder (available in the spice section of most grocery stores)

3. Hot water

4. Small glass or plastic container

5. Food coloring (optional)

6. String or pipe cleaner

7. Pencil or stick

8. Clothespin or clip

9. Craft glue (optional)

10. Glitter (optional)


1. Prepare the Eggshell:

Carefully crack an egg and empty the contents into a bowl to use for cooking.

Rinse the eggshell thoroughly and allow it to dry completely.

2. Create a Small Hole:

Once the eggshell is dry, use a pencil or stick to gently poke a small hole in the bottom of the eggshell. This hole should be just large enough to thread a string or pipe cleaner through.

3. Thread a String or Pipe Cleaner:

Thread a piece of string or a pipe cleaner through the hole you created in the eggshell. Tie a knot at the end to keep it in place.

4. Create a Suspension Clip:

Attach the other end of the string or pipe cleaner to a clothespin or clip. This will allow the eggshell to hang suspended in the alum solution.

5. Prepare the Alum Solution:

Boil a pot of water and remove it from the heat.

Add alum powder to the hot water and stir until it dissolves. You can use about 3-4 tablespoons of alum per cup of water.

If you want colored crystals, you can add a few drops of food coloring to the alum solution. Stir until the color is even.

6. Submerge the Eggshell:

Carefully lower the eggshell into the alum solution using the suspension clip, ensuring that it is fully immersed in the solution.

7. Allow Crystals to Form:

Place the container in a cool, undisturbed location and let it sit for several days (usually around 3-5 days). As the alum solution cools, crystals will start to form on the inside of the eggshell.

8. Remove the Geode:

Once you’re satisfied with the size of the crystals, carefully remove the eggshell from the alum solution. Be gentle to avoid breaking the crystals.

9. Optional Decoration:

If you want to add some sparkle, you can apply craft glue to the inside of the eggshell and sprinkle glitter on it while the glue is still wet. Allow it to dry.

10. Display Your Geode:

Your homemade geode is now ready to be displayed. You can place it on a small stand or use it as a decorative piece.

These homemade geodes won’t be as intricate as natural geodes, but they’re a fun and educational way to explore the science of crystal formation while creating beautiful, unique pieces of art.

2. Learn how to make tube owls

Creating tube owls is a fun and crafty project that kids will enjoy. These adorable owls are made from cardboard tubes (like toilet paper or paper towel rolls) and are a great way to upcycle and teach children about recycling. Here’s how to make them:

Materials You’ll Need:

1. Cardboard tubes (one for each owl)

2. Acrylic paint in various colors

3. Paintbrushes

4. Colored paper or felt

5. Googly eyes

6. Scissors

7. Craft glue

8. Markers or colored pencils

9. Small twigs or popsicle sticks (for owl perches, optional)


1. Prepare the Tubes:

Start by collecting cardboard tubes and making sure they are clean and dry. You’ll need one tube for each owl you want to create.

2. Paint the Tubes:

Use acrylic paint to cover the outside of each cardboard tube. Let your child’s creativity shine as they choose the owl’s colors. Owls can be brown, gray, white, or any color your child prefers. You can also add patterns like stripes or spots.

3. Let the Paint Dry:

Allow the painted tubes to dry completely. This may take a couple of hours or more, depending on the thickness of the paint.

4. Cut Out Wings and Beaks:

While the paint is drying, cut out wing shapes from colored paper or felt. You can make simple oval or teardrop-shaped wings.

Cut small triangular beaks from a contrasting color of paper.

5. Assemble the Owls:

Once the tubes are dry, it’s time to assemble the owls. Glue the googly eyes near the top of the tube, leaving some space below for the beak.

Attach the beak just below the eyes using craft glue.

6. Add the Wings:

Attach the wings to the sides of the tube, just below the owl’s eyes, using craft glue.

7. Draw Details:

Use markers or colored pencils to add details like feathers, talons, and any other features your child wants to include.

8. Create Perches (Optional):

If you’d like to display the owls on perches, you can glue small twigs or popsicle sticks to the bottom of the tubes to serve as perches.

9. Let It All Dry:

Allow the owls to dry completely before handling or displaying them.

10. Display Your Tube Owls:

Once everything is dry, you can display your cute tube owls on shelves, window sills, or anywhere else your child desires.

These tube owls are not only a creative craft project but also an opportunity to learn about owls and their distinctive features. Plus, they make charming decorations for any time of the year.

3. Create a no-sew tote bag

Creating a no-sew tote bag is a simple and eco-friendly DIY project that’s perfect for beginners and a great way to repurpose old t-shirts. Here’s how to make a no-sew tote bag:

Materials You’ll Need:

1. An old t-shirt (a larger-sized t-shirt works best)

2. Scissors

3. Ruler or straight edge (optional)

4. Fabric glue or adhesive Velcro strips (no-sew adhesive)


1. Choose Your T-Shirt:

Select an old t-shirt that you’d like to repurpose into a tote bag. The larger the t-shirt, the larger your tote bag will be.

2. Prepare Your Work Area:

Lay the t-shirt flat on a clean, flat surface. Smooth out any wrinkles.

3. Cut Off the Sleeves:

Start by cutting off the sleeves of the t-shirt along the seam lines. You can use scissors for this step. Cut as close to the seam as possible.

4. Cut Out the Neckline:

Cut out the neckline of the t-shirt. You can cut it in a rounded or V-shape, depending on your preference. Make sure to leave enough fabric at the top for the handles.

5. Cut Open the Bottom Seam:

Flip the t-shirt over and cut along the bottom seam, leaving a few inches uncut on each side. This uncut portion will form the base of your tote bag.

6. Create Fringe Strips:

On each side of the t-shirt (front and back), make vertical cuts from the bottom edge up towards the uncut portion. These cuts should be about 1 inch wide and stop a couple of inches before reaching the uncut portion.

7. Tie the Fringe Strips:

Now, tie the corresponding strips from the front and back of the t-shirt together into double knots. This will create the sides of your tote bag. Be sure to knot each strip tightly to ensure your tote bag is secure.

8. Trim Excess Fabric:

Trim any excess fabric from the fringe strips to make them even and neat.

9. Optional: Add a Closure (Velcro Strips):

If you want to keep your tote bag closed, you can add adhesive Velcro strips to the inside of the bag’s opening. One strip should be on the inside of the front of the bag, and the other should be on the inside of the back of the bag. Press them together to close the bag.

10. Your No-Sew Tote Bag Is Ready:

Your no-sew tote bag is now complete and ready for use. Simply turn it right-side out and use it to carry groceries, books, or any other items you need.

This no-sew tote bag is a quick and easy project that’s perfect for repurposing old t-shirts and reducing waste. It’s also a great craft activity for kids and adults alike.

4. Build a Bird feeder

Building a bird feeder is a delightful DIY project that can bring birds to your garden or backyard, providing you with a closer connection to nature. Here’s a simple guide to making a basic bird feeder:

Materials You’ll Need:

1. A Small Wooden Board: About 6 x 6 inches or as per your preference.

2. Two Wooden Dowels or Twigs: These will serve as perches.

3. A Small Eye Hook or Screw Eye: For hanging the feeder.

4. String, Wire, or Chain: To hang the feeder.

5. Birdseed or Bird Food: Choose a mix that’s suitable for the birds in your area.

6. Screws or Nails: To assemble the feeder.

7. Drill and Drill Bits: For making holes.

8. Saw: To cut the wooden board to size (if necessary).

9. Sandpaper: To smooth edges (optional).

10. Paint and Brushes (optional): To decorate the feeder.


1. Safety First:

If you’re using power tools like a drill, take safety precautions, including wearing safety glasses.

2. Prepare the Wooden Board:

If your wooden board is larger than 6×6 inches, cut it down to size using a saw. Sand the edges to remove splinters if necessary.

3. Drill Holes for Dowels:

Drill two evenly spaced holes near the bottom of the wooden board. These holes should be large enough to accommodate the dowels or twigs, creating perches for the birds.

4. Attach Perches:

Insert the dowels or twigs into the holes you drilled. Apply a bit of wood glue or use screws to secure them in place. Ensure they’re level and parallel to each other.

5. Drill Hole for Hanging:

On the top edge of the wooden board, drill a hole near one corner. This is where you’ll attach the eye hook for hanging the feeder.

6. Attach Eye Hook:

Screw the eye hook into the hole you just drilled.

7. Decorate (Optional):

If you’d like to make your bird feeder visually appealing, you can paint or decorate it. Be sure to use non-toxic, bird-safe paint if you choose to do this. Allow the paint to dry completely before proceeding.

8. Fill with Birdseed:

Pour birdseed into the tray of your bird feeder. Fill it to the desired level, but don’t overfill to prevent spillage.

9. Hang the Feeder:

Use string, wire, or a chain to hang your bird feeder from a tree branch, hook, or any other suitable location. Make sure it’s at a height where you can easily refill it and where birds can access it.

10. Watch and Enjoy:

Once your bird feeder is hanging, keep an eye out for visiting birds. Different types of birds may be attracted to your feeder, depending on the type of birdseed you use and your location.

Remember to regularly refill your bird feeder to keep our feathered friends well-fed, especially during the colder months when food can be scarce. Enjoy the birdwatching experience that your DIY bird feeder brings to your outdoor space!

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